Sunday, November 27, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

Homes in "the Hood" - Battle Creek's Historic District

Elm Street

This may be on Garfield Avenue...where is that notebook!?

Orchard Place, South

Fremont Street

Frelingheuysen Street

Orchard Place, North

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Repaired - well, sort of - Banned Pharmacy Promotion Film

Found out that the earlier posting for the Ferris pharmacy promotion film was glitched beyond comprehension.  Such is the fate of a 1976 1/2 inch video master.  This one has the sound slightly corrected...maybe it is viewable now...oh these archives...who came through with a magnet!!!! EGAD!!!!!!

The youtube link:
(about 10 minutes)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Celebrating Kevin Matthews

(c) 1989 The Animating Apothecary

(c) 1989 The Animating Apothecary

(c) 1989 The Animating Apothecary

(c) 1989 The Animating Apothecary

(c) 1989 The Animating Apothecary
I got to work with Kevin Matthews on his KEVHEAD magazine back in the 1980s, and some things fell out of the archives recently!  Now he's been let go from WLAV-FM in Grand Rapids, and I have no longer any reason to listen to them ever again.  Apparently he has mended fences with Steve Dahl of Chicago and plans to do some podcast work at - so Jim Shorts may ride again!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Monday, November 07, 2011

The HMO Hydra

(c) 1998 The Animating Apothecary
With Medco and assorted mail-order companies essentially obliterating the independent retail market, it's only proper to share some experiences with these knuckle-draggers.  This is pretty much what it's like to deal with their 'help line.'  My favorite waiting message is that a "Certified Pharmacy Technician" will be available soon to direct my clinical pharmacy needs.  The last one I spoke to was "certified" after a 6 week training course at Walgreen's.