Saturday, December 30, 2023

Post 635 - Another Random Test - Yeeee HA!

(c) Jim Middleton, The Animating Apothecary

A "Soft Release" of the final production, with some minor adjustments forthcoming, at - - 


Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Post 633 - Taking a Spin - layer test - with some test effects (updated 28 December)

(c) 2023 Jim Middleton, The Animating Apothecary

With drowning rats, no less (it's a love story):
(c) 2023 Jim Middleton, The Animating Apothecary

And some effects:
(c) 2023 Jim Middleton, The Animating Apothecary

And with a cleanup -

(c) 2023 Jim Middleton, The Animating Apothecary

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Post 632 - Another Year, Another Holiday Season!

 I'm getting my seatbelts ready for what's ahead...hope I can still post things this time next year...

Be safe and stay well

(c) 2023 Jim Middleton, The Animating Apothecary

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Post 631 - Pre-Tsunami Water and Rats Test

 More Color Balance Testing:

Where it began:

(c) 2023 Jim Middleton, The Animating Apothecary

Then some movement:

(c) 2023 Jim Middleton, The Animating Apothecary

And let's just have those rats pile up.  Take Two:

Still (c) 2023 Jim Middleton, The Animating Apothecary

Monday, December 04, 2023

Sunday, December 03, 2023

Saturday, December 02, 2023

Post 626 - A Blue Wave - "Pencil Test"

 From rats to water - busy afternoon!

(c) 2023 Jim Middleton, The Animating Apothecary

Version 2 - with complete action

(c) 2023 Jim Middleton, The Animating Apothecary

Version 2a - multiple layers

(c) 2023 Jim Middleton, Thea Animating Apothecary

Post 625 - Time to Get "Rough on Rats"!

 2024 approaches, after all...


(c) 2023 Jim Middleton, The Animating Apothecary


also (c) 2023 Jim Middleton, The Animating Apothecary

And, to try a multi-layer wave motion:


and STILL (c) 2023, Jim Middleton, The Animating Apothecary