Wednesday, May 30, 2018

ASIFA Central August Retreat Planning Notes

A Charge Towards a Retreat - Organizational Meeting Notes
ASIFA Central Subcommittee on Retreats and Exquisite Corpses
Phone Conference Call/Zoom: Steve Leeper, Jim Middleton (secty), and Gary Schwartz
Wednesday, May 30, 2018:  8-9pm

Steve and Jim coordinated the general outline, Gary was able to call in during the latter portions of the Zoom experience and contributed several options on workshop activities.  Bob and Gretchen were unable to phone in, so specifics were tabled to our next meeting time, TBA.

The Autumnal Retreat:
Location: Grand Rapids
Dates: Saturday, August 11 and Sunday August 12, 2018

Proposed Outline:
Saturday, August 11
11am - rousing, stretching, arriving at the theatrical location with snacks in hand for general consumption and minimizing distractions due to hypoglycemia
Opening remarks by Brad Yarhouse, ASIFA Central President - let the mayhem BEGIN!

Noon - 3pm
Specifics depending on spaces and material - Notions from Gary include, but are not limited to:
metamorphosis, meat puppetry, sand, exquisite corpsing/Anijamming, paper collage, shadow puppets, white boarding with dry erasery, and lip sychronism.
The thought of animating food, possibly the result of hypoglycemia, brought up a Movable Feast, or Paschkemation, idea - as a Michigan tribute to Hemingway

Show and Tell, aka “Whatever the Hell We Just Made” (official ASIFA Central Sanctioned Term)
Beginning with the fruits of paschkemation and the workshop, moving to individual show and tell projects, with liberal time for not just the showing of, but the How It Was Done - what software, what production pipeline, what elaborate ruse for obtaining adequate funding was necessary...
Exhausted from the experience, this calls for

5/5:30pm - 7pm
FOOD - on one’s own recognizances - such a variety, perhaps a deli, perhaps a bag of pork rinds

7pm - the end of the night as we know it
Ottawa showreel - Steve may be able to obtain, Jim will be glad to provide funding for the bootleggery

Sunday, August 12
Exhausted from animation and food, the only recourse for Sunday will be –
an 11am barbeque - perhaps with leftovers of Paschkemation!

Jim will provide Steve with meeting notes, to be shared with rest of committee and other interested parties for input and comment.

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