Sunday, November 27, 2022

Post 497 - Battle Creek in the 1980s - World Hot Air Balloon Championships - IN STEREO!

Various 3D photographs from 1981-1986 from The Event for the Surreal City at the time - where everyone first complained nonstop about all those bothersome crowds but then noticed afterwards they'd done a month's worth of business in three days.  They complained, nonetheless, and it was a shadow of its former self by the early 1990s.  But it was fun while it lasted, and your humble blogger had the good fortune to have press access, first as a grip for an early CNN reporter in the area (thanks, Joe!) and later, as a gaffer for a local videographer (thanks, Al!).  I took along an 8mm movie camera and a Stereo Realist, even then an outmoded bit of technology.  

(c) 2022 Jim Middleton, The Animating Apothecary
(use with permission only, please - I like to know where these things end up)

A video montage of the events is available on my Vimeo page -

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