Sunday, November 26, 2023

Post 623 - Exposing Yourself Like It's 1999 - Exposure Sheets for "Sfumato #1: Flute Solo"

Ah the good old early tech days of digital animation - here was an exercise, rendered in the DOS 6 version of Autodesk Animator Pro, requiring frame by frame layering, one sequence at a time, in a day when a VGA GenLock was as good as output to video could get for the "hobbyist."

It was a further challenge since the Autodesk program rendered things out at 15fps, the sound was on a separate TAPE, and the cylinder used broke in mid-play on its second take, requiring a fast edit using a pause button on the cassette playback.  A 1906 recording with a second generation dupe - yeah, good times, good times.

Here's a re-render of the project, done this year as a test for "Sfumatoscope!"

Click HERE for the "Updated Video" 

Even had to create my own exposure sheets to try figuring it out. I know, I could have been watching football.  This was still more fun, honestly.  A sampling:

(c) 1999, 2023, Jim Middleton, The Animating Apothecary

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