Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Gettin' Giffy

Some random bits of GIF, thanks to a clumsy archive and a Photoshop tutorial:

Some from the 1984 film "Alpha," originally filmed in Super 8mm and synched to "Life During Wartime" by The Talking Heads

And some from the 1982 film "Daydreams ," meant as a tribute to Winsor McCay and Little Nemo:

And one from a post-high school effort showing that loose cameras make Hitchcock tributes, ca 1973

And something from "A Cereal Symphony" of 1987:

And, in honor of the eclipse on August 18, 2017, this clip from George Melies "The Eclipse" from 1907:

And one last entry, a scene from "The Money Pit" that sums up many a Day In The Life:

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