Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Post 684 - ASIFA Central July Newsletter - with IAD Anijam Project for October 2024

Hi there!  You're likely peeking in for some data on the ASIFA International Animation Day Celebration and how to run around in your Anijammies with Bill Plympton's fantastic poster!  SO THIS IS GREAT!

The newsletter below will give you some general information of the project, but it boils down to this - Bill's poster has six images, in progression like a storyboard (you've seen it by now, but it's also in the images below).  ASIFA Central started a project where we snag two of the images and then blend one into the other, taking whatever distractions that occur in the process as they may.  

We have been running some tests, just to get a feel for it.   They are attached in this section of the blog.

The task is this - pick two of the sequential images, and move from one to another, directly or indirectly, using as many or as few images as you wish.  We assemble the images, edit them in a cycle, run them together, toss in music, and Viola! an Anijam!  You know how it works - Marv Newland did the "first one" a couple of years back - (as in 1984) Click here to see it on Youtube

Now that's a pretty high bar to reach, but you'll notice that even in that classic, some clips incorporated works in progress ("Get a Job," "Sunbeam") or exercises from individual animators who adapted them to the challenge.

For the sake of consistency, I have made the six "storyboard frames" into 1920x1080 jpgs - and here they are, ready for download:

Number Six

Number Five

Number Four

Number Three

Number Two

Number One

Pick a pair - it doesn't matter which two, but make them sequential, create a series of jpgs 1920x1080, name the series to identify you and the sequence number (ie "No1toNo2CandyK"), again, it doesn't matter how many drawings, and email them to yr hmbl typst, secty to the ASIFA Central chapter, at

I plan to begin the assembly on October 1.  If I have multiple submissions on a particular pairing, I'll  move back and forth until all are seen.  

I have a lot of PD music and FX to use as background, so don't fret about sound, about synch, or anything like that.  I just need to know who drew them and which sequence they represent.  If you want to go Full Bore Cray on it, sure, I'll be glad to accept mp4s with sound! lights! camera! and action, but that's putting to much on your shoulders.  

This is just a fun exercise, something that will be made available on FilmFreeway for the IAD programming across the globe!  Nobody will be collecting any revenue for this.  The contributing artists retain all rights to their work.

So that's the story, those are the drawings above, and here are the samples I threw together back in early August:

Again, any questions - contact ASIFA Central Secretary, Jim Middleton at - and the deadline is October 1. 

Oh, and here's the July 2024 ASIFA Central newsletter - the reason for this posting:


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